
Thursday, March 14, 2013

T-Minus 6 hours!

Yup, in six hours from now, we will be waiting at the airport for our flight to Argentina! We are packed and ready to go, and it feels so strange! I have no idea what to expect, or not to expect, this is all a brand new experience for our family. These last few weeks and days have been very special as friends and family have given hugs and encouragement. People keep on asking me, "Are you just so excited?!" Well, being a missionary-mom, my answer is probably somewhat unexpected. Right now, "excited" is not the word I would use to describe whats going on inside of me. Exhaustion would be a good word. Its hard moving your family out of your house, packing everything, throwing things away, etc.! Longtime waiting would be a goood word. Its been five years since Joe began seminary and God began moving us towards overseas missions. It has been a really, really, really long five years! Nervous would be a good word. As I have watched my other missionary-mom friends make the same transition, I have seen how hard it can be on your children, your family, and your brain! Trust would be a good word. Trust in God's faithful promises that as I weep saying goodbye to my friends and family here, He has prepared new ones there. "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother...for My sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." Hope would be a great word. Hope in the knowledge that God does not allow His Word to return void, seeds will be planted, and He will reap the glory! Peace would be an even better word. Peace about being in the center of God's will, about following Him where He has led us, about our future being held in His hands. So here is something simple, tangible, that my missionary-mommy brain is excited about...I am looking forward to being in our new home, drinking a cup of matte, and having a quiet time in the living room while the kids play happily outside in their new backyard. I am excited about making Argentina home. Cooking Argentine meals in our little home, getting to know our new neighbors, feeling confident enough to go buy some more leche by myself when we run out. And some day, being able to speak Spanish without being laughed at! I am excited about building longterm relationships with the people, and planting seeds of the Gospel there until God calls me home. So Texas, goodbye. Watch out Argentina, here we come!

1 comment:

  1. I was praying for you last week. Looking forward to your next update to know how to continue praying for you.


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