
Monday, August 2, 2010

How much longer?

So, how far is too far to stretch my theology in the effort to convince myself that God really does want this baby to come early? I guess as long as I remember that He is in control and that, believe it or not, what He wills is actually for my's still hard to swallow though, that I might actually have to be pregnant for another 3 weeks.
So as I sit here thinking about how much I want to hurry up and have this baby, I am also thinking about all the yummy and delicious meals I could make for my family, if only I had the energy! But hey, on some level, it's the thought that counts....right? I have been glancing at the blogsite for the Pionner Woman ( and discovered some really tempting looking recipes! Here is what I am amazed at.....while I sit here and complain about the Texas heat, and find it a challenge to go up and down our flight of stairs several times a day, and can barely manage to maintain a presentable home, and to keep our clothes almost clean.....this woman raises 4 children, performs the duties of a ranch-woman, and still is able to homeschool and cook all this amazing food?! Oh ya, and she writes books too. Wow.
I guess it all comes down to what you expect of yourself. We're all capable of so much more than we to harness the grace of God and finish this pregnancy out with a flourish, here I go!

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